Have you ever felt like your relationships are stuck on repeat, replaying the same old issues over and over again? Like you’re caught in a never-ending loop of miscommunications, misunderstandings, and, let’s be honest, a lot of unnecessary drama? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

You might unknowingly be operating from what I like to call a “closed relationship system,” driven by your Imposter Persona—a fancy term for that protective mask we all wear when we’re scared to show our true selves.

But don’t worry, this isn’t a life sentence. Here are some of the signs that you might be operating from a closed relationship system and, explore how to shift towards a more open, authentic way of connecting with others!

  1. You’re a Gold Medalist in the Approval Olympics 🥇

Do you find yourself constantly seeking approval, like a contestant on a reality show? Always waiting for the thumbs-up or that metaphorical rose from others? This is a classic sign of operating from a closed relationship system. Your Imposter Persona is driving the show, fueled by the fear of rejection or criticism. You might prioritize everyone else’s needs over your own just to hear those sweet words of affirmation: “You’re doing great!”

Break Free Tip: Try giving yourself a pat on the back instead. Validate your own feelings and decisions. Remember, you don’t need a gold star from anyone else when you can make your own! 

  1. You Avoid Vulnerability Like It’s a Horror Movie 🎬😱

When it comes to sharing your feelings, are you the one hiding behind the metaphorical sofa, peeking through your fingers? If the idea of opening up emotionally makes you break out in a cold sweat, you might be operating from a closed relationship system. The Imposter Persona loves to keep things safe and superficial. Vulnerability? No, thank you! Better to keep that locked away with last year’s tax returns.

Break Free Tip: Start small. Share something personal, but not too scary. Think of it as dipping your toe into the pool rather than diving into the deep end. And remember, the water’s not as cold as you think! 🏊‍♂️

  1. You Over-Personalize Like a Master Detective 🔍

You’re great at finding hidden meanings in every comment. “Nice shirt,” someone says. You hear, “Your fashion sense has finally improved after years of terrible choices.” If you often interpret feedback as a personal attack, you’re letting your Imposter Persona run the show, feeding into your anxiety and self-doubt.

Break Free Tip: Not everything is about you! (Yes, really!) Next time you get feedback, try to see it for what it is—a piece of information, not a character assassination. Take a breath, and remember, it’s just a shirt. 👕

  1. You’re a People-Pleasing Pro 🎭

Your calendar is packed, your to-do list is a mile long, and yet you still find yourself saying “yes” to every request, big or small. Sound familiar? You might be stuck in a people-pleasing loop, constantly putting others’ needs above your own to avoid conflict or disapproval. The Imposter Persona thrives on this—keeping you busy, distracted, and far away from what you truly want.

Break Free Tip: Practice saying “no” without the guilt trip. Think of it as doing a public service—because, honestly, the world could use more people who set healthy boundaries. 🙅‍♂️

  1. You Fear Conflict Like It’s an Episode of Jerry Springer 📺

Conflict? No thanks! You’d rather walk across hot coals than have a difficult conversation. This is a tell-tale sign of a closed relationship system. Avoiding conflict keeps things nice and tidy on the surface but leaves a mess underneath. The Imposter Persona hates conflict because it means facing things head-on—and who wants to do that?

Break Free Tip: Start viewing conflict as a chance to grow, not a battle to be won. Approach disagreements with curiosity instead of a shield. Remember, it’s not about “winning” but understanding. 🍖

Ready to Make the Shift?

Recognizing these signs is the first step towards shifting from a closed relationship system to an open, authentic one. The goal? To engage more honestly and deeply with those around you, without the drama, the masks, or the need for a gold star from everyone you meet.

So, if you see yourself in any of these signs, don’t worry—you’ve got this! Remember, breaking free from the Imposter Persona isn’t about a complete overhaul; it’s about small, intentional steps towards a more genuine, fulfilling way of connecting with others.

If you are ready to take the relationship challenge shifting from closed to open, check out my book, Become Who You Are Meant to Be in Relationships. It’s packed with practical tools and strategies to help you break free from these draining patterns and empower you to cultivate self-worth and authenticity.

🔗 Grab your copy today and start your journey toward more fulfilling relationships!

Link: https://a.co/d/iGQaFhT

Anne Dranitsaris, Ph.D.
Psychotherapist, Author, Leadership Coach


Feel free to share your thoughts, experiences, or questions.


Don’t forget to check out Dismantling Dysfunction, our podcast series for anyone who experiences dysfunction in organizations, leadership, or relationships: https://dranitsaris-hilliard.com/podcast/

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