Our Podcast – Dismantling Dysfunction
A podcast series for anyone who experiences dysfunction in organizations,
leadership, or in relationships.
Check out the Dismantling Dysfunction Trailer

About the Podcast
In these uncertain times, it’s no wonder most organizations suffer from a myriad of dysfunctions and people issues they have no idea how to deal with. Too often, leaders go for the quick fix, leaving the root causes of the dysfunction shooting up in another area just as the last symptom has been dealt with. This results in disengaged employees, loss of high performers, poor productivity, and an unhealthy bottom line.
No matter the size of the organization, any dysfunction is systemic and requires a holistic approach to rooting out and dismantling its cause. Otherwise, you’ll stay with the whack-a-mole approach, dealing with pop up symptoms without changing anything.
Join organizational development and behavioral change experts Dr. Anne Dranitsaris and Heather Dranitsaris-Hilliard weekly as they introduce you to the most common dysfunctions in organizations and help you dismantle them by delving into the systemic causes behind them and telling you exactly what to do about it. Because of their more than 70 combined years of working with leaders and organizations, nationally and internationally, of all sizes and dysfunctions, there aren’t too many that they don’t have experience with.
Episode #81
Episode #81: Unseen Barriers to Accountability Caused by Chaotic LeadersThese days it's increasingly common to hear leaders describe themselves as "a little ADHD," citing high energy and impulsive decisions as both a strength and a challenge in their professional...
Episode #80
Episode #80: Unseen Barriers to Accountability Caused by Over-Nuturing LeadersHave you ever noticed how some teams don't hit their targets, despite having leaders who seem really supportive and caring? Or maybe you've seen situations where everyone seems happy, but...
Episode #79
Episode #79: Hidden Blockers to Accountability Caused by Leaders Who Disappear Imagine your team is on a tight deadline, but when you reach out to your leader for crucial feedback, they're nowhere to be found. Their office is empty, their Teams status says 'Do Not...
Episode #78
Episode #78: Hidden Blockers to Accountability Caused by Leaders Who Bully Picture this: you step into your workplace, a space where you spend most of your waking hours, only to face subtle threats, overt hostility, or being outright ignored by your leader. Instead of...
Episode #77
Episode #77: Hidden Blockers to Accountability: Shaming Employees into Poor PerformanceHave you ever seen a spark of creativity extinguished by a single dismissive remark from a leader? If so, you're not alone. In this episode of Dismantling Dysfunction, we talk about...
Episode #76
Episode #76: Hidden Blockers to Accountability Caused by Narcissistic LeadersIn the latest episode of "Dismantling Dysfunction," we delve into the significant impact of narcissistic leadership on workplace accountability. We highlight the unique challenges posed by...
Episode #75
Episode #75: Remedies for the Epidemic of Accountability Part Six: Engaging for GrowthLeaders often miss crucial opportunities to engage meaningfully with their employees when reviewing performance, primarily due to a lack of knowledge or comfort in handling these...
Episode #74
Episode #74: Remedies for the Epidemic of Accountability Part Five: Reviewing for GrowthEver heard a leader say they skipped reviewing their employee performance because they “don’t have time” or because "Mercury was in retrograde"? While we all chuckle at the latter,...
Episode #73
Episode #73: Remedies for the Epidemic of Accountability Part Four: Confronting for RealignmentEvery leader has had to confront an employee's performance when a simple correction hasn't worked at some point in their career. It's part of the job. But when leaders...
Episode #72
Episode #72: Remedies for the Epidemic of Accountability Part Three: Ensuring Alignment with ExpectationsIn the bustling corridors of a rapidly growing tech firm, CEO David found himself grappling with a dilemma. His teams were vibrant and intelligent, but something...
Episode #71
Episode #71: Remedies for the Epidemic of Accountability Part Two: Setting the Stage for SuccessDid you know that a whopping 60-70% of employees feel that leaders are not clear with their expectations? That’s more than half of the workforce saying they feel lost in...
Episode #70
Episode #70: Remedies for the Epidemic of Accountability Part One: Emotional Intelligence and Defining ExpectationsLeaders today are burdened by increased expectations to achieve results without appearing to micromanage, define things too clearly (for fear of being...
Episode #69
Episode #69: Accountability Series IntroductionStruggling with the "A-word" in your organization? You're not alone! Accountability is more than just a buzzword these days – it's morphed into a systemic problem pervading workplaces all around the globe. Prepare to...
Episode #68
Episode #68: Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome of the INFPGet ready for an immersive journey into the intriguing universe of INFPs! These creative, introspective, and deeply emotional individuals are known for their profound inner lives and rich tapestry of feelings....
Episode #67
Episode #67: Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome of the ISFPGet ready to dive into the captivating world of ISFPs - those super-creative, free-spirited individuals who dance to the beat of their own drum. These enchanting personalities seem to effortlessly waltz in and...
Episode #66
Episode #66: Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome of the ESTPBuckle up and brace yourselves for an exhilarating ride into the fast and fabulous world of ESTPs in today's thrilling episode! Meet the masters of spontaneity and action, the life-force at every party and the...
Episode #65
Episode #65: Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome of the ISTPHold on to your headphones, listeners! Today, we're taking a deep dive into the riveting realm of ISTPs – the Intellectual Adventurers. Picture this: an agile mind, capable of crafting innovative solutions on...
Episode #64
Episode #64: Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome of the ESFJESFJs, the dedicated, responsible, and oh-so-warm connectors, are the backbone of families and communities, the go-to for comfort and support. They're the birthday-rememberers, the milestone-celebrators, the...
Episode #63
Episode #63: Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome of the INFJINFJs - what a unique and fascinating bunch! They're driven by a strong desire to understand and connect with others on a deep level. Their empathy fuels their passion for helping others and makes them perfect...
Episode #62
Episode #62: Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome of the ENFJGet ready to meet the real-life supercharged caregivers of the world - the ENFJs! With their unparalleled empathy and dedication to serving others, ENFJs have a unique gift for bringing out the best in people....
Episode #61
Episode #61: Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome of the INTJHey there! We’re here to talk about the incredible INTJs and their awe-inspiring cognitive abilities! If you're lucky enough to have an INTJ in your life, you'll definitely know they have an amazing knack for...
Episode #60
Episode #60: Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome of the ENFPOh, ENFPs! With their vivacious and captivating personalities, they effortlessly take center stage and light up every room they enter. Their infectious energy and unwavering optimism make them a magnet for...
Episode #59
Episode #59: Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome of the INTPProcrastination and perfectionism – what a perilous duo for anyone suffering from Imposter Syndrome. But for those with an INTP personality type, it’s like a fatal blow! But why is that you ask? You see, the...
Episode #58
Episode #58: Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome of the ENTPImagine walking into a room and feeling an electric buzz in the air - that's what it feels like when an ENTP is nearby! These are the people who make things happen, with an energy that's contagious and an...
Episode #57
Episode #57: Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome of the ISFJHey there, our dependable, hard-working ISFJs! Have you ever found yourselves striving for perfection at work, even when no one else seems to be holding you to such impossible standards? Do you avoid taking on...
Episode #56
Episode #56: Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome of the ENTJLet us paint you a picture: as an ENTJ, you try to set high standards for yourself and your team. But sometimes, it feels like your team just DOESN’T GET IT! I mean, you’ve given them clear instructions, right?...
Episode #55
Episode #55: Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome of the ISTJImagine this: you're an ISTJ - a natural planner who is diligent in getting things done. You have your systems, processes and routines in place and you're crushing it even when things get crazy at work. And...
Episode #54
Episode #54: Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome of the ESTJLet's paint a picture: you're an ESTJ - a born leader who always gets things done. You have a clear idea of what success looks like, and you hustle hard to make it happen. But deep down, you feel like a phony....
Episode #53
Episode #53: Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome of the 16 Personality TypesHave you ever had a dreadful thought that perhaps you're not as competent or talented as others think you are? Or that, despite all the blood, sweat and tears, you're not worthy of the success...
Episode #52
Episode #52: Romance Styles of the MBTIThe season of love is upon us! Time to indulge in all swoon-worthy matters: heart-shaped jewellery, romantic candle-lit dinners, red roses, chocolate covered strawberries… Except your partner just texted you they will be working...
Episode #51
Episode #51: Tips for Dismantling the Compromising Codependent DysfunctionIt gets REALLY tiresome being around people who act like they have everything together and are above our normal, everyday human struggles, doesn't it? They do this even when everyone else is...
Episode #50
Episode #50: Tips for Dismantling the Complying Codependent DysfunctionIf you have ever had that annoying conversation where you say, “Where should we go for dinner?” and your partner or friend responds, “I don’t really care, wherever you pick,” you’ll relate with how...
Episode #49
Episode #49: Tips for Dismantling the Dismissing Codependent DysfunctionIt’s not uncommon for certain personalities to believe they are the smartest person in the room. But being in a relationship with someone like this is exhausting. Not surprising, those in a...
Episode #48
Episode #48: Tips for Dismantling the Devaluing Codependent DysfunctionHow do you react when your friend or partner starts a conversation with: “You won’t believe how stupid I am”? Trust us, we’ve been there too, and our first reaction is to jump in and affirm them...
Episode #47
Episode #47: Tips for Dismantling the Personalizing Codependent DysfunctionWe all like to place blame for things that go wrong in our lives – the public transit being late on your morning commute, your employee who didn’t finish a report in time, a partner that...
Episode #46
Episode #46: Tips for Dismantling Codependent Holiday“OMG, I hate this time of year. The gift giving is so stressful, I never have enough time to prepare properly, my family is insane, and I feel like such a disappointment! HELP!”. If you have a holiday script like...
Episode #45
Episode #45: Don't Let Codependent Dysfunctions Spoil Your Holiday SeasonSnow is falling, the fireplace is crackling, and the turkey is slowly roasting in the oven while you sip from your mug of hot chocolate, surrounded by your loving family. Idyllic, isn’t it? We...
Episode #44
Episode #44: Tips for Dismantling the Invalidating Codependent DysfunctionHave you noticed how often people tell you your problem is insignificant because it’s a first world problem? Maybe others say this to you or you’re thinking – OMG, I say that all the time....
Episode #43
Episode #43: Tips for Dismantling the Caretaking Codependent Dysfunction“I don’t know what my family would do without me. I cook, clean, organize and make sure everyone gets out of the house on time. I find interesting articles that I know each of my kids and partner...
Episode #42
Episode #42: Tips for Dismantling the Controlling Codependent DysfunctionDid you know that the bossy, selfish friend or partner you always complain about is likely codependent? If you answered no, you aren't alone. People who use dominant codependent behaviours,...
Episode #41
Episode #41: Submissive Dysfunctional Codependent StrategiesDoes this sound familiar? Despite doing all you can to hold your relationship together, and everything you’ve sacrificed to make it work, it’s still dysfunctional and you're still miserable. The more you try...
Episode #40
Episode #40: Dominant Dysfunctional Codependent StrategiesNarcissists aren’t the only people who are manipulative. It’s a primary Codependent Strategy used to control and dominate in a codependent relationship. The use of indirect communication and manipulation to get...
Episode # 39
Episode #39: Dysfunction of Codependent RelationshipsWould you consider yourself codependent? When asked that question, some people will say yes, and others will say, no, but I think my partner is. Most of the time we equate Codependency with a clingy, needy person...
Episode # 38
Episode #38: Archetypes of Survival - Saboteur & StagnationSome people identify as procrastinators, some as perfectionists. And still, others - as risk averse. These proclamations are usually made when someone is asked to do something that feels scary or out of...
Episode #37
Episode #37: Archetypes of Survival - Child & ResponsibilityWe are sure most people would agree that it’s absolutely horrifying when competent and accomplished adults resort to childish behavior, like having temper tantrums, sulking, pretending nothing is their...
Episode #36
Episode #36: Archetypes of Survival - Prostitute & PermissivenessIf there is anyone in your life who tends to agree with you when you know they disagree, you’re acquainted with the Prostitute Archetype (before you say anything – as you likely got caught off guard...
Episode #35
Episode #35: Archetypes of Survival - Victim & the Drama Triangle We all know people who always seem to be victims of someone or some situation. People who blame others when disappointing or frustrating things happen to them or even when they make a mistake. They...
Episode #34
Episode #34: Tips for Dismantling the Dysfunction of Disempowerment Complain, complain, complain... We hear an endless myriad of complaints these days from leaders who believe that disengagement, lack of quality, poor work ethic, and entitled behaviors are the...
Episode #33
Why is it that leaders keep themselves so busy that they don’t have time to deal with their people? And why, despite their position of power, do leaders struggle with asserting their authority and managing the…
Episode #32
Episode #32: Tips for Dismantling the Dysfunction of Accountability In today’s workplaces, accountability has become part of a leader's role they increasingly avoid. They steer clear of difficult conversations, let employees miss deadlines, and waste precious...
Episode #31
Today, leaders complain about employees not being accountable for getting things done. But is it really the employee or is it the issue that leaders don’t hold themselves accountable for managing the performance of their…
Episode #30
Increasingly, leaders today are complaining about employee entitlement and dysfunctional entitled behavior. They fail to realize how their leadership might contribute to this entitlement. Instead, they judge the…
Episode #29
Ever worked for an organization that had no cross-departmental communication or information sharing between departments? The notion that power struggles simply cannot exist between functional areas of an…
Episode #28
Leaders today act as though it isn’t their job to keep their complex organizations moving in alignment. All too often, leaders let employees do things ‘their way’ in hopes that this will motivate them or somehow enable them to…
Episode #27
Do performance management discussions get in the way of the “real work”? (Sorry, it’s a trick question.) Leaders who agree with this idea are missing the point. They’re holding on to a mindset that keeps them from…
Episode #26
Have you ever worked for a boss who reminded you of your mother or another overly nurturing family member? You know, the boss who always wants you to share what’s going on with you personally…
Episode #25
Whether it’s because they’re simply “too busy” or just nowhere to be found, some leaders never seem to be around when you need them. And on the rare occasion that they can be pinned down, they’ll dip, duck, dodge, and dive all your…
Episode #24
“The last time I gave my direct report a little corrective feedback it didn’t go so well… The next thing I knew, they were storming out the door in tears. I’m just going to stick to saying nothing at all and let employees figure things out on their own…
Episode #23
Being bossy comes naturally to many people. Naturally, these people are promoted to senior leadership roles because they make things happen using the strength of their personalities. These “bossy” bosses can be very effective at using force…
Episode #22
“My boss is a jerk! She expects me to do all the work and takes all the credit for herself.” “Yeah? Well, my boss laughed at an idea I brought up in a team meeting. You can be sure that I won’t make the mistake of sharing my thoughts in front of everyone ever again.” These…
Episode #21
It goes without saying that being a leader demands a lot of responsibility. It’s a leader’s job to make decisions on vision, strategy, and how to achieve results. Leaders must also ensure resourcing, manage performance, and develop talent. Add to that, the authority that comes with a leadership…
Episode #20
Change for the sake of continuous improvement and development should be something that everyone jumps on board with, right…? Especially when it’s in everyone’s best interest – people are going to love it! That might be true in theory, bit in practice it’s a totally different story. Just ask anyone who has ever…
Episode #19
Most business leaders would agree that all aspects of their organization would benefit from strong leadership at all levels. So, why is there a trend of middle managers being selected based on their functional competence rather than on their ability to engage, nurture and empower employees and…
Episode #18
Leaders today spend a lot of time trying to figure out why they can’t get the level of engagement and performance from their employees that they require despite their best efforts. Their energy and time also go into trying to “fix” their employees, compensate for unsatisfactory…
Episode #17
Let’s face it, employee entitlement is on the rise. And while this attitude is most noted in people between the ages of 18 – 35, everyone can operate from their own sense of entitlement. The last couple of generations were indeed raised to believe that they should always…
Episode #16
There is a type of organizational narcissism that exists because leaders in departments or functional areas are allowed to focus solely on themselves and their own agendas. They create silos as though they have a domain to rule over where employees work in the service of…
Episode #15
Cooperative, collaborative, and supportive leaders are the kind of bosses or managers that most employees say they wish for. These idealized leaders seem to know how to provide employees with the type of nurturing environment needed for them to grow and reach their…
Episode #14
Why do leaders believe that giving employees the freedom to do things their own way is so important to employee retention and engagement? Curious, isn’t it? And we wonder why employee entitlement is on the rise… So, if it’s not helping anyone, why is this destructive belief so…
Episode #13
Have you noticed the trend in business to let employees off the hook when they fail to meet their commitments on time; refuse to do aspects of their jobs; or insist they do something “their way” despite your directions? As leaders, many of us are trying so hard to be what…
Episode #12
Episode #12: Dysfunctions of Autocratic Leadership Autocratic Leaders used to be the pinnacle of power in an organization. Now the trend is for leaders to aspire to be submissive, not powerful. In some companies, authority has become a dirty word and leaders who are...
Episode #11
Narcissistic leaders and how to deal with them is a popular theme these days. There’s a tendency to slap a narcissist label on any leader who drives their own agenda, demonstrates confidence in their abilities, or is insistent on things being done in a certain…
Episode #10
There has never been a time when emotionally intelligent leaders were more important and relevant than right now. The ability to create a sense of belonging, empathize with the employee experience and engage not only the minds, but the hearts and passion of employees is…
Episode #9
We are noticing a disturbing trend in organizations where leaders think they are supportive of their employees but in fact, they are actually neglecting their needs and issues. We don’t often talk about neglect in the context of organizational life and leadership behavior – but it is so common…
Episode #8
There is a disturbing trend in organizations with leaders letting employees off the hook when they fail to meet their commitments on time, refuse to do aspects of their jobs, or when they simply don’t show up for meetings as requested. The cold hard truth is that many leaders have…
Episode #7
You’ve probably heard about the Peter Principle, you know, the tendency in most organizational hierarchies for every employee to rise in that hierarchy until they reach a level of respective incompetence. This includes leaders who often ride the wave of the success of their…
Episode #6
One of the least discussed issues in organizations is the misuse or abuse of power by leaders. Leaders can either use power to stay in control, becoming autocratic, or give power away, becoming permissive. In both cases, do not understand how to use role authority and as a result…
Episode #5
We all love the idea of the “cool boss”. You know, the one who dresses casually, doesn’t hassle us for timelines, and parties with us like he’s just “one of us”. Seems great, right? The problem is that the boss is trying so hard to be our friend, that we’re never sure what’s expected of us…
Episode #4
There is nothing more frustrating for employees than a leader who thinks that because they are great with clients and at building the business, they are fantastic at leading people. These leaders whose inflated image of themselves blinds them, tend to create dysfunction around them…
Episode #3
Are your leaders constantly complaining and not doing anything about it? Do members of the senior leadership team gossip about each other, all the while, promoting the notion that they are a high functioning team? These are just two of the many symptoms of organizational dysfunction…
Episode #2
Like most people, you’ve probably experienced the negative impact of one of the many dysfunctions that exist in organizations. In fact, you could be suffering from it right now because dysfunction is so commonplace. There are six key dysfunctions that our hosts Anne…
Episode #1
What would it take to claim to be experts in dismantling organizational dysfunction? How about the over 70+ combined years of experience that podcast hosts Dr. Anne Dranitsaris and Heather Dranitsaris-Hilliard have between them working with organizations stuck in…