Episode #57: Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome of the ISFJ
Hey there, our dependable, hard-working ISFJs! Have you ever found yourselves striving for perfection at work, even when no one else seems to be holding you to such impossible standards? Do you avoid taking on new challenges because the thought of failure is just too overwhelming – and you’re just sure you WILL FAIL? If so, we are saddened to inform you that you are likely suffering from the Imposter Syndrome!
Yes, that nagging feeling that always seems to be lurking in the back of our minds. It’s the fear that keeps us from taking on new challenges, going after that promotion, asking for feedback, or even speaking up in a meeting. But fear not, ISFJs, as it is possible to break free from the Imposter Syndrome, learn to embrace being outside of the comfort zone and becoming who you are meant to be!
In today’s episode, we’ll explore some common triggers and symptoms of Imposter Syndrome in ISFJs, such as fear of failure, perfectionism, and people-pleasing and how they lead to career stagnation, burnout and even relationship issues. We’ll also provide some practical strategies and tools that ISFJs can use to start building more confidence in themselves and their abilities and to start living more authentically.
Whether you’re an ISFJ struggling with Imposter Syndrome, or you know someone who is, this episode is packed with valuable insights and tips to help you overcome these challenges and thrive in both your personal and professional life. So, tune in now to learn more!
If you want to know more about the Imposter Syndrome, check out our book, ‘Power Past the Imposter Syndrome’: https://amzn.to/40P0GvX
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- [01:15] Episode Introduction
- [09:11] Why Does the ISFJ Experience the Imposter Syndrome?
- [15:43] Negative Impact of the Imposter Syndrome on ISFJs
- [34:38] Episode Gem
- [36:58] Episode Wrap Up
- ISFJs are the epitome of dependability and hard work in the workplace. They are known for their methodical approach and attention to detail, which makes them the ideal candidate for roles requiring meticulousness and accuracy. However, their fear of failure can hold them back from pursuing new challenges or taking on additional responsibilities.
- The root of ISFJs’ Imposter Syndrome lies in their desire for external validation and their belief that they must constantly prove their worth to others. ISFJs, known for their strong desire to please others and their fear of not meeting expectations, often experience Imposter Syndrome. Even when no one is criticizing them, they tend to constantly criticize themselves and believe they have to be perfect in everything they do.
- ISFJs interpret feedback as criticism, which can cause them to become defensive or shut down completely. When they receive feedback, it can trigger a strong emotional response, and they may take it as confirmation of their worst fears – that they are not meeting the expectations of others. Because of this, ISFJs may avoid seeking feedback altogether or may become upset and shut down when they receive it.
- Join us throughout our series on how the Imposter Syndrome shows up in each of the 16 MBTI types (or 8 Striving Styles). If you are not sure what your Striving Styles is, make sure to visit www.whoareyoumeanttobe.com to complete the assessment today! Remember, if you need help dealing with dysfunctions at work or in your personal life, reach out to us directly.

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