Episode #59: Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome of the INTP
Procrastination and perfectionism – what a perilous duo for anyone suffering from Imposter Syndrome. But for those with an INTP personality type, it’s like a fatal blow! But why is that you ask? You see, the INTP personality type is characterized by an inquisitive nature and a desire to understand the world on a deep level. They value knowledge and expertise above all else, and they enjoy the challenge of intellectual debate and argumentation.
Here’s the kicker, though: their thirst for knowledge and their competitive nature often causes them to be extremely critical of their own work, constantly questioning whether they’ve done things “correctly” or whether their work is up to (their own) incredibly high standards. This can make them feel like they’re not good enough or that they’re “faking it” in their field, even if they have plenty of evidence to prove otherwise.
In today’s episode, we’ll delve into the deadly duo of procrastination and perfectionism that plagues INTPs suffering from Imposter Syndrome. We’ll explore how it can lead to a lack of confidence, difficulty forming connections, and even passive-aggressive behaviour. We’ll also drop a gem for all INTPs suffering from the Imposter Syndrome that will help them escape the all-or-nothing trap that they may find themselves falling into too often for comfort.
Whether you’re an INTP struggling with Imposter Syndrome, or you know someone who is, this episode is packed with valuable insights to help you overcome these challenges in both your personal and professional life.
If you want to know more about the Imposter Syndrome, check out our book: https://amzn.to/40P0GvX
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- [01:48] Episode Introduction
- [04:52] Why Does the INTP Experience Imposter Syndrome?
- [11:19] Impact of Imposter Syndrome on INTPs
- [30:26] Episode Gem
- [32:00] Episode Wrap Up
- INTPs are known for their love of learning and exploration, which can sometimes lead them to procrastinate on tasks that they find uninteresting or uninspiring. When INTPs put off a task that they know they should be doing, they start to doubt their ability to do anything. This can lead to feelings of fraudulence or inadequacy as they start to question their own competence and ability to succeed.
- One of INTPs’ main coping mechanisms is becoming passive-aggressive and argumentative. They feel both defensive and protective of their knowledge and expertise. Passive-aggressive behavior causes them to engage in behavior that is intentionally undermining or resistant, creating a negative work or social environment, and limiting INTPs’ ability to build meaningful connections and collaborate effectively with others.
- INTPs have difficulty sharing themselves and are notorious for keeping their thoughts and feelings to themselves, which can lead to a lack of curiosity about others’ lives and a struggle to share their own. When they do open up, it’s awkward, and instead of sharing their feelings, they may unintentionally point out faults in others, making them appear insensitive and uncaring.
- Join us throughout our series on how the Imposter Syndrome shows up in the 16 MBTI types (or 8 Striving Styles). If you are not sure what your Striving Styles is, make sure to visit www.whoareyoumeanttobe.com to complete the assessment today! Remember, if you need help dealing with dysfunctions at work or in your personal life, reach out to us.

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